Tuesday, February 12, 2013

2013 Recommended Movie list Nutritional/environmental must see movies!!

                 Tabor Hill Clinic Portland, OR 97215
2/13/13 Russell Marz, N.D., L.Ac.
President Omnivite Nutrition Inc.
Director Tabor Hill Clinic
Mission Statement-
As the president of Omnivite Nutrition Inc. and the director of the Tabor Hill Clinic I am in the business of improving the health of people and the planet earth. We are in a very critical stage in human history. Our survival on the earth as well as that of all other species depends on being educated and making conscious decisions.
I have selected the movies below as educational tools to learn more about food, medicine, environmental issues, politics, history and generally the survival of the human species.  Some of these movies are in the form of: a documentary, a docu-drama, an interview, a biography, or a semi-fictional educational experience. They will be both entertaining and educational. There are some science fiction movies included as well that bring up important social, ethical and philosophical issues and allow for thought provoking ideas.
The following movies I recommend to see in the following rough chronological order:
Genetic Roulette   2012 by Jeffrey Smith (I’m in it very briefly) critical movie about genetically modified food
Fluoridealert.com google Fluoride:Let the Truth be Told Interview with Dr. Paul Connett & Dr. Hardy Limeback a scientific discussion on the research done on fluoride
“Forks Over Knives” 2011 about “The China Study” sustainable and healthy food- Very convincing
“Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead” 2010 Joe Cross http://www.hulu.com/watch/289122/fat-sick-and-nearly-dead (watch for free) documentary about 2 obese men who transform their lives by juicing!
Tapped (2010) and Flow (2008) ­- regarding bottled water and the water crisis
Queen of the Sun (2010) Taggart Siegel & Silence of the Bees (2007) Doug Shultz. 40% of food from bees!
The Future of Food 2005 by Debra Garcia (a very informative film about our food, the nature of genetically modified foods and how they may effect the biodiversity of our food supply. This film includes info on: the loss of small farms, the growing dependence upon oil for agriculture and how Monsanto Corp. is genetically modifying & patenting seeds in order to control the world’s food supply.
The Seeds of Deception (3 CD collection) by Jeffrey Smith concerning the history and deleterious effects of genetically modified foods. Read The Botany of Desire The Omnivores Dilemma,  Defending Food  M. Pollen
Read The Botany of Desire and The Omnivores Dilemma,  Defending Food  Michael Pollen for great followup.
The World According to Monsanto 2008- The history of Monsanto & how they have come to dominate our food supply. Sweet Misery A Poisoned World- How Nutrasweet came to be legal when it never should have.
Food Inc. 2009 (about the food industry Michael Pollen and Eric Schossler (Fast Food Nation & Chew on This) narrate and direct. Fast Food Nation- based on the book by Eric Schoosler
The Real Dirt On Farmer John 2006 (about a Midwest farmer’s story and local farming vs agribusiness) There is also a book to compliment the movie that has additional information.
Call of Life: Facing the Mass Extinction (2009) documentary narrated by Peter Coyote on how humans are causing the greatest mass extinction since a comet hit earth 63 million yrs ago. Great Interviews with scientists.
The 11th Hour- Leo Dicaprio excellent documentary on the “big picture”, and how humans need to wake up to the fact that they are causes dramatic changes in the health of the planet and how they may be causing permanent damage to ecosystems that may never recover. Solutions & answers are discussed related to these major problems humans face .http://wip.warnerbros.com/11thhour/mainsite/site.html each scientist is interviewed
The Corporation-2007 a documentary about how and why corporations have come about and how they have affected the environmental health of the planet. Great educational movie and a must see!
Hidden Wars of Dessert Storm (about the history of oil and important info on depleted uranium and “Gulf War Syndrome”) Also Gulf War Syndrome: Killing Our Own 2007 Gary Null important info on deplete U.
Why we fight very informative film about why we fight wars today
The Oil Factor- ’04 Ungerman & Brohy (has chapts on depleted uranium, oil & agric)
The End of Suburbia Kinslter an excellent film on peak oil and how and why and we have set up towns in unsustainable ways to accommodate cars and oil companies. It discusses ways we can create towns in more environmentally sustainable ways that don’t make us beholden to the oil industry.
Interview with Richard Heinberg about his book Powerdown: peak oil, sustainability of our culture and the end of the carbon based society. He Also wrote The Party’s Over: War, Oil, and the Fate of Industrialized Nations 2005 and Peak Everything: Waking Up to the Century Of Declines. Discussion of the cultural, psychological and practical changes we will have to make as nature rapidly dictates our new limits.
The Return of the Scorcher Ted White-concerning bicycles and transportation and how we can change our psychological dependence on cars.
The Power of Community-How Cuba Survived Peak Oil- a very interesting movie on how Cuba adapted very rapidly to severe shortages of oil both from imposed sanctions from the U.S. & from no supplies from Soviet Union when they collapsed. 80% of farming went organic! People rode bikes instead! Also see you-tube learning from Cuba’s response to Peak Oil interview with Megan Quinn
Bowling for Columbine Michael Moore get the DVD, it has 4 more hrs of interviews especially with the people who did much of the research work for the film.
An Inconvenient Truth Al Gore 2006 this is an extremely well researched film on Global warming and the facts on our current global climate and economic situation.
The Tomato Effect by Faun Kime This movie concerns the death of environmentalist & physician Jeff Kime, who member of AAEM (Amer. Academy of Environmental Medicine).  Jeff was on the cutting edge of defending the practice of environmental medicine before his untimely death. Dr. Kime’s daughter Faun, who researches the death of her father, discusses the fate of other docs who are involved in environmental medicine.
The Power of the Sun-2007 a documentary film about using solar energy. The amount of energy that hits the earth from the sun for 1 hour provides enough energy to power the entire earth’s requirement for 1 year!
Stopping the Coming Ice Age by Larry Ephron discusses trace elements in the soil and feeding the microbes
Sicko Michael Moore’s movie about our current health care system, pharmaceuticals and the health insurance industry in the U.S.

Political Semi fictional movies

Good Night and Good Luck George Clooney (about McCarthism in the 50-60’s censorship)
Lord of War Nicolas Cage about global arms trade and U.S. & Russia
The Quiet American (Michael Caine, Brandon Frasier beautiful movie cinema photography Vietnam 1952 a real feel of what life was like with imperialist France and U.S. waiting in the wings, the movie was cut short for political reasons- a love story in the midst of political upheaval)
Blood Diamond- about the brutal existence of the people of Africa subjected to diamond trade
Children of Men (2007) – sci fi- about the loss of fertility among women and the possibility of the end of our species. Clive Owen, and Michael Caine  After seeing Gulf War Syndrome Killing Our Own especially
The constant Gardener Fines
The Day After Trinity:JR. Oppenheimer & the Atomic Bomb, Jon Else ‘81 Biography of Robert Oppenheimer & the story of the first Atomic bomb (Manhattan Project) & the life of one of the great geniuses of our time.
The Atomic Café a humorous and not so funny look about the history of atomic bombs
The Story of the Atomic Bomb: Trinity & Beyond 1996- Documentary U.S. nuclear tests conducted 1945-1963. Top secret development of atomic and hydrogen bombs with footage of some of the most incredible explosions ever seen
The Day After (Jason Robards- A graphic, disturbing film about the effects of a devastating nuclear holocaust on small-town residents of eastern Kansas 1983. A very real depiction of what can happen.
 “Robert Newman’s The history of oil” 2003 Go to “Googlec.com” on line and type in the title.  This is a brilliantly humorous stand up comic Robert Newman who is a both a historian and a comic.  The information is very thought provoking. The production is very eco conscious powering the show thru bicycle power.

Additional documentaries
Life After People (History Channel) (2008)
Clash of the Cavermen between Neanderthal & Cro Magnon.
The little ice age the big chill  2008 history channel

Additional movies
Fahrenheit 9/11 Michael Moore 2004- award winning documentary film that presents a critical look at the presidency of George W. Bush, the "War on Terrorism", and its coverage in the American news media which were "cheerleaders" for the 2003 invasion of Iraq and did not provide an accurate and objective analysis of the rationale for the war or the resulting casualties there.
The Fog of War talks with Robert MacNamara, when he was defense secretary (and previous CEO of Chrysler Motor Corp.), and how the U.S. become so involved in the Vietnam war and how close we came to nuclear war in the early 60’s.
“Mind Walk”-1990 A US politician (Sam Waterston) visits his poet friend (John Heard) in Mont. St. Michael, France. While walking through the medieval island discussing their philosophies of life they happen upon Sonja (Liv Ullman), a scientist in recluse, who joins in their conversation. The two men listen to the ideas of this brilliant woman and discuss how her ideas can work in their own politician and poet lives. About the nature of physics and our universe
Motorcycle Diaries-2004 The Motorcycle Diaries adaptation of journal by Ernesto "Che" Guevara de la Serna when age 23. He & friend, Alberto Granado are typical college students who, seeking fun and adventure before graduation, decide to travel across Argentina, Chile, Peru, Colombia, and Venezuela in order to do their medical residency at a leper colony.
Crazy Sexy Cancer is produced by Red House Pictures & Cactus Three for TLC.    Kris Carr is writer, director, producer & cinematographer; Watching Kris’ honest journey thru the whole ordeal made me think that I need to take care of myself a lot better — especially as she resorted to a “healing diet” focused on veggies and such.
The Doctor 1991 William Hurt He was a doctor who thought he knew it all... until he became a patient.
Hoxy, the Quacks that Cure Cancer narrated by Peter Chokra
Patch Adams Robin Williams
Masks of Madness: Science of Healing A new documentary on the orthomolecular treatment of schizophrenia
Lorenzo’s Oil Susan Sarandon and Nick Nolte give brilliant performances as parents trying to save the life of their son from adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD), a rare and incurable nerve disease that is always fatal. Based on a true story parents research essential oils to try and save their son.
Percy Julian: The Forgotten Genius documentary of one of the first Afro American Scientists from the 30’s whom was hired by Gliden Paints to develop a wide variety of uses for the soy bean including progesterone, cortisone & physostigmin &  compounds bisphenol A.
The Beautiful Truth-  2009 or 10Gerson therapy movie; The Gerson Miracle Charlotte Gerson; Eating  - The rave diet
Rx Generation -  many people including Micheal Moore talks in this one, http://www.youtube.com/watch?
Woman with rare  CA Extra ovarian primary peritoneal carcinoma stage 4This woman was filmed in Charlotte’s movie The Gerson Miracle 5 years earlier. It had metastasized to her bones, liver, kidney Tufts university published paper that 100% mortality with this cancer using chemo and raditation.
Please note that this movie list is continually being updated and some of the titles may not be exactly correct so you may email me at marznd@mac.com for further updates.  Thanks for watching!!!
Healing Cancer from the Inside Out by Mike Anderson.
Nutritional Medicine Alan Gaby, M.D. technical well referenced
Medical Nutrition from Marz  Russell Marz, N.D., L.Ac.
Garbage Land: On the Secrete Trail of Trash  Elizabeth Royte-
Diet and Nutrition, Rudolph Ballentine, M.D.
Cultures of Habitat On Nature, Culture & Story Nabhan 1997
Dr. Wright's  Healing with Nutrition  Jon Wright, M.D
Ecological Medicine Healing the Earth & Ourselves Ausubel 2004
Genetic Nutritioneering ‘99   Nutria-aerobics  / Jeff Bland, PhD
Fateful Harvest Wilson 2002
Nutrition Against Disease Roger Williams, Ph.D.
Hope’s Edge The Next Diet for a Small Planet Lappe 2003
The Complete Food Handbook Doyle and Redding
Our Stolen Future Colborn, Dumanoski, Myers 1997
Your Health Under Siege: Using Nutrition Bland, PhD
The Sacred Balance Suzuki1997
Hungry Planet What the World Eats Menzel & D”Aluisio 2005
Nature's Operating Instructions: The True Biotechnologies
Pottingers Cats by Francis Pottinger
The Lost Language of Plants The Eco Importance of Plants Buhner
The Healing Factor, Vit C against Disease Irwin Stone
Beyond the 120-year Diet 2000 Roy Walford
Diet and Nutrition, Rudolph Ballentine, M.D.
Formula for Life The Definitive Book on Correct Nutrition,, Antioxidants, and Vitamins, Disease Prevention, and Longevity
Dr. Wright's  Healing with Nutrition  Jon Wright, M.D
The China Study by T. Colin Campbell
 Okinawan Program Willcox & Wllcox & Suzuki
Genetic Nutritioneering ‘99   Nutria-aerobics  / Jeff Bland, PhD
Living to 100 Lessons in Living to Your Max Potential Perls,  ‘99
Nutrition Against Disease Roger Williams, Ph.D.
Longevity Fulfilling our Bio Potential Pelletier, PhD
The Complete Food Handbook Doyle and Redding
Maximum Lifespan Walford, PhD
Your Health Under Siege: Using Nutrition Bland, PhD
Stealing Time: The New Science of Aging Warshofsky 1999
Health and Light John Ott, Ph.D.
The Anti-Aging Plan 1994 Roy & Lisa Walford
Biomimicry Innovation by Nature Janine Benyus

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Pasta Manana, Amigo!

Awesome lesssons this afternoon, Maestro Marz. I felt your spark of life in my heart as we gathered soeed on the Markham bridge. This is what I see for the future of Medicinal Nuutrition -> I walk into the cucina to write my grocery list, I use my Dragon voice activated software to say "bursitis", or "lymphodema" into my Marz box, and the food optionss I need to buy are entered into the various sections: produce, grains, spices, etc. The kitchen of the future is at our command. Do you like it? My husband Peter is a Software/Hardware specialist and manager at Intel...
Tonight I prepared roast ckicken without skin, Russet Potaatos with skin, Broccoli steamed, and fruit salad of banana, nectarine, and a gorgeous big red grapefruit. In future I plan to make gravy by using excess water from my morning steel cut oats for thickening, instead of schmalz and flour. The menfolk will never know the difference

PS How do I feel now? My welcome home greeting was "you look nice!" followed by "I like that shirt (big hug)". A dancer cast and cut off from my son Joseph. So, I FEEL HAPPY. There will never be a substitute for love or approval, or form fitting clothing. Should 55 feel this good? If anyone asks, or thinks I'm 35 again, may I have your permission to refer them to Medical Nutrition or TBHC? PPS The translation going on behind your eyes at the statement "I've been converted to Borscht by Claire" was art that preserved the moment. You are indeed priceless. Thank you, kind Sir. (One of my life
- CW